Social Responsibility stems from a belief in the inherent goodness of individuals and the significance of family. We aim to bless others with the resources bestowed upon us by God.
Our commitment extends to entrepreneurs, students, and migrant farm workers, who form the backbone and future of agriculture. Beyond offering a safe and enjoyable work environment for the Wild Goose family, we support non-profits that align with our vision.
The migratory lifestyle can interrupt the education of our seasonal workers’ children. We collaborate with local schools and the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) to ensure these children receive care and continue their education. Through our partnership with FreeD.O.M. Clinic USA, we provide dental, optical, and medical services to those in need. We also help with community clothing donations and secure affordable housing for our migrant staff. Each year, following the blueberry harvest, Wild Goose Farms organizes a charity event where all proceeds go to RCMA, 4-Roots, and FreeD.O.M. Clinic USA.
Redland Christian Migrant Association’s (RCMA) mission is to provide to opportunities through quality childcare and education from crib to high school and beyond. RCMA works to prepare children from rural, low-income families for leadership. Their Early Head Start centers accept infants as young as six weeks. The after-school programs serve children ages 6 to 16. RCMA also offers programs for parents too – so they can improve their English fluency, adult literacy and school completion.
4Roots engages the community to think more deeply about where and how food is grown, and why it matters, 4Roots aims to restore and maintain the delicate balance between people and planet. Children nourished by food grown locally. An end to childhood food insecurity in Central Florida, with kids connected to fresh local produce. Farmers thriving in harmony with nature. Local farmers making an honest living doing what they do best, growing food and being good land stewards. Food that is valued, not wasted. A community that knows where their food comes from, choosing food that is local and seasonal. Our local economy prospering. Our community supporting local food businesses – from growing to distributing to preparing and serving.
Beginning in May of 2016, Wild Goose Farms partnered with FreeD.O.M. Clinic USA to provide free clinical services to over 100 farm workers. FreeD.O.M. Clinic USA was formed to address the growing need for dental, optical and medical care to the indigent, uninsured and under-insured in America. The clinic’s unpaid volunteers are motivated by their love of people and their passion to share their specific expertise with those who would not ordinarily be able to afford such care.
Being good stewards of our resources is one of our core values and we pride ourselves on leaving this land better for the generations to follow. Environmental Stewardship refers to responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices. At Wild Goose Farms, we use a multitude of tools and practices to better manage our resources. Lab monitored nutrient levels of the plants and soil assure a healthy crop and sustainable land. Computer-driven technology manages farms water use. We work closely with St. Johns Water Management District to implement good water usage and conservation practices. Additionally, we participate with the Florida Department of Agriculture Best Management Practices for management of nutrients, irrigation and protection of water resources. Our timber lands are certified with the Florida Forestry Service Best Management Practices program.
Protecting Bees For Florida
Crop management can pose risks to native and managed bee colonies. Wild Goose Farms takes pride in our program of balancing good management practices with protecting nature’s pollinators, because both are vital to the success of Florida agriculture.
Water Usage
We take a responsible, proactive approach to protecting our natural resources. With the use of soil moisture probes, weather stations and extensive data analysis, we irrigate only as necessary to plant needs and evapotranspiration (ET) – the loss of water to the atmosphere via evaporation and plant transpiration.
Nehemiah Project International Ministries, Inc.(NPIM):
Wild Goose Farms was honored to host NPIM. In 2016 NPIM brought International Business Plan Competition participants to our farm to tour and learn about entrepreneurship and technology in agriculture. NPIM is a business development and support organization which works in partnership with churches, marketplace ministries, educational institutions, associations and individuals around the world. They train and support Kingdom-oriented companies through Biblical Entrepreneurship training, coaching and access to capital.
Australia Vegetable Grower Association:
Wild Goose Farms also hosted the Australian Vegetable Grower Association (AVGA) . In February 2018 Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association facilitated a visit with vegetable growers from around Australia. An excellent exchange of information on farming techniques, conservation, and advancement in technologies as applied in agriculture.
Youth and Educational Programs:
Wild Goose Farms supports local school programs including the National FFA Organization, 4-H and Pathways-2-Prosperity – a Marion County high school program devoted to preparing students for future employment. We are here to introduce tomorrow’s leaders to the dynamic business of agriculture.
To learn more or support any of these groups, please use the links below.