Deep Roots Tree and Shrub Nursery

Growing Nature

From a simple idea to a thriving nursery business, Deep Roots Tree and Shrub Nursery has taken root.

Our vision extends beyond the present—we’re growing for generations to come.


“Deep Roots”:

It’s not just a name; it’s our ethos.

We’re here to establish lasting connections with the land and our community.

Strong Partnerships:

We proudly collaborate with one of Florida’s largest nurseries.

Together, we’re sowing seeds of excellence.

For inquiries or to connect with our sales team, reach out today.

Let’s Grow Nature Together! 

Order Your Blueberry Liners and Quarts!

Exciting news! Our blueberry plants are ready, and we’re also accepting pre-orders for your next season planting. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned grower, we’ve got the perfect plants for you.

Diverse Blueberry Varieties for Sustainable Growth

Since 2007, our blueberry farm has thrived,

delivering some of Florida’s highest-quality blueberries.

Our secret? Healthy plants that consistently exceed expectations.

Key to Sustainability:

We focus on growing varieties that remain productive for years.

Sustainability is our compass in the blueberry industry.

Research Collaboration:

Alongside the University of Florida’s research department, we conduct field trials.

Our goal? New varieties that offer early production and higher yields.

Commercial Offerings:

Proudly serving commercial growers across the Southeast, we provide liners and quarts.

Wholesale Orders:

For larger quantities (over 1000), feel free to reach out.

Let’s Grow Nature together!

We Have Your Plants Today!